[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Posters: 2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data, “Building Connections Together”

Peggy Griesinger peggygriesinger at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 17:01:47 PDT 2021

Do you have a tool, project, or idea related to linked data in archives,
libraries, or museums? The 2021 LD4 Conference Program Committee invites
you to submit a proposal <https://forms.gle/EihjzqUEUG1vGWXu6> for the 2021
LD4 Conference <http://bit.ly/ld42021> virtual poster session on July 20,

Themes and Criteria

While posters can focus on any topic related to linked data in libraries,
we especially encourage submissions aligned with this year's conference


   Linked data education

   Inclusion of diverse voices

   Practical steps toward linked data adoption

   Reliability and availability of linked data

   Incorporating linked data into day-to-day library operations

   Linked data advocacy

The Program Committee will evaluate proposals based on the following


   Support of the conference theme and goals

   Interest to the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums)

   Representation from groups, regions, and topics that are traditionally
   underrepresented in conferences related to linked data



   To propose a poster for the conference, please fill in this proposal
   submission form <https://forms.gle/EihjzqUEUG1vGWXu6> by June 21, 2021.
   The Program Committee will communicate decisions for proposals by June
   28, 2021.

   If accepted, you'll be asked to submit your poster by July 12, 2021.
   Recommended file types for poster submissions are PDF, PNG or JPEG, but
   please let us know if there is a format that better suits your topic.

   The virtual poster session will take place on July 20, 2021. Each
   presenter will have 2 minutes to give an overview of their poster and then
   have an opportunity to answer questions. Posters will be available on the
   LD4 conference website for the entire week of the conference and presenters
   will be asked to monitor the LD4 2021 conference slack to answer questions.

   The LD4 2021 conference is free of charge and open to all. General
   registration will open in June.

   The conference is an initiative of the LD4 Community <http://ld4.io>.

Questions about the conference and this call for proposals? See our website
bit.ly/ld42021 or contact 2021_ld4conf_chairs at googlegroups.com

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