[Metadatalibrarians] Updated Link - Program Announcement: Core Linked Data Interest Group Meeting at ALA Annual 2021

Klose, Annamarie C. klose.16 at osu.edu
Wed Jun 2 19:15:34 PDT 2021

--- UPDATE ---

The program link has changed and attendance is no longer limited to 300 people.

Registration is available through: https://ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlduqrrz8uHtykQgg3XzuPLDyimW5AoETm<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlduqrrz8uHtykQgg3XzuPLDyimW5AoETm__;!!KGKeukY!hvxrEpxakS4iFkM1TYbEI9cvO68o4xaYzn9mRXKqC9HVdpZHtYKHAwKdmf5VUuD2$>

Annamarie C. Klose, MLIS
Metadata Initiatives Librarian
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University Libraries
120B Library Tech Center, 1165 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212
614-292-3257 Office
klose.16 at osu.edu<mailto:klose.16 at osu.edu> / library.osu.edu<http://library.osu.edu/>

From: Klose, Annamarie C.
Sent: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 9:44 PM
To: metadatalibrarians at lists.monarchos.com
Subject: Program Announcement: Core Linked Data Interest Group Meeting at ALA Annual 2021

Program Announcement: Core Linked Data Interest Group Meeting at ALA Annual 2021

Time: Friday, June 25, 2021, 3:00 pm Central Time (US and Canada)

Event Link: https://www.eventscribe.net/2021/ALA-Annual/fsPopup.asp?Mode=presInfo&PresentationID=904399


"The Semantic Web": Twenty Years Later - A Core Discussion


In May 2001, Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila published the seminal article "The Semantic Web" in Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-semantic-web/). This work has shaped both the World Wide Web and the larger information landscape. As libraries have adapted to these changes and the vision that was outlined, there is still a gap between the ideal and reality. To mark the 20th anniversary of this publication, this discussion will allow participants to share and hear from colleagues how the Semantic Web has impacted our work (or not) and how libraries are evolving (or not) based on these changes.  Attendees are encouraged to revisit this important article-available at the above link or from a general web search-prior to the discussion.

Session is moderated by LDIG co-chairs, Annamarie Klose and Ben Riesenberg.

Capacity: 300 ppl

The session will automatically be recorded. The recording will be posted to the IG Connect Space in ALA Connect.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 968 1331 4448

Passcode: 856694

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Meeting ID: 968 1331 4448

Find your local number: https://ala-events.zoom.us/u/acw57Y0ClL<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ala-events.zoom.us/u/acw57Y0ClL__;!!KGKeukY!mKro1z2p4YmOh9v0s06YUgz5MW0nOfz9Gw031UliHiNEBx4qzhQGKLsRgUGVykUT$>

Annamarie C. Klose, MLIS
Metadata Initiatives Librarian
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University Libraries
120B Library Tech Center, 1165 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212
614-292-3257 Office
klose.16 at osu.edu<mailto:klose.16 at osu.edu> / library.osu.edu<http://library.osu.edu/>

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