[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Proposals on the Topic of Linked Open Data Implementation - ALA Annual 2018
Washington, Anne M
awashin8 at Central.UH.EDU
Thu Jan 25 13:08:57 PST 2018
Exposing bibliographic and cultural heritage information as linked open data makes possible new modes of resource access and discovery. It also supports reuse and visualization of collections in novel ways. This program will introduce participants to linked open data in the real world through both introductory and intermediate level presentations on its application, including challenges inherent to moving towards a linked open data ecosystem.
Potential topics include:
* Implementation of linked data project
* Metadata analysis and evaluation
* Linked open data visualizations
* Entity reconciliation
* Ontology alignment/mapping
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Darnelle Melvin (darnelle.melvin at unlv.edu) or Anne Washington (awashington at uh.edu), ALCTS MIG Programming Co-Chairs.
Please fill out the submission form<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__tinyurl.com_ycua2sh4&d=DwMFaQ&c=7ypwAowFJ8v-mw8AB-SdSueVQgSDL4HiiSaLK01W8HA&r=57gk8nme8IyujbRtEx0q9ziDOGzMXlvvy_GQeFmc13c&m=smc4hJ9nud_xUXLhHHxiK617AcqiONEKd6L_BFW0GSs&s=qmWYYSp2dGuduEYIS3ldke40vIuJxHKidOHJBduJIRc&e=> with your proposal abstract by Wednesday, February 21, 2018. "Implementing Linked Open Data in the Real World" will take place during the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Saturday June 23, 2018 10:30-11:30am
See this announcement on our blog: http://www.alcts.ala.org/metadatablog/2018/01/call-for-proposals-on-the-topic-of-linked-open-data-implementation/
Anne Washington, Metadata Librarian
University Libraries
University of Houston
awashington at uh.edu
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