[Metadatalibrarians] Join DLF AIG Metadata Assessment Group and #Mashcat for a Metadata Assessment and Quality chat!

Anna L Neatrour anna.neatrour at utah.edu
Fri Sep 8 07:42:56 PDT 2017

Please join us for a Twitter chat on September 18 at 3pm EDT jointly facilitated by the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group's Working Group on Metadata Assessment and Mashcat, an effort to bring together library technologists and library cataloging & data experts.

The topic of the chat is metadata assessment and quality. Namely, how does one approach understanding, analyzing, or getting a sense of their metadata, particularly metadata across multiple applications, formats, schemas, contexts, etc.. Furthermore, how does this assessment inform a shifting idea of metadata quality, as a goal for institutional remediation work, a way to create continuous enhancements for the users of our metadata & metadata schema, or as a data standard with which to build system specifications.

Date: 9/18/2017

Time: 3:00pm EDT

Moderators: Anna Neatrour, @annaneat ; Christina Harlow, @cm_harlow

Hashtags: #mashcat ; #dlfaig

Questions and background information: bit.ly/MetadataQualityTwitterChat<http://bit.ly/MetadataQualityTwitterChat>

We hope you'll be able to join us!

Anna Neatrour
Digital Initiatives Librarian
University of Utah Marriott Library
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8007-9940

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