[Metadatalibrarians] NASIG 2018 conference - vision speakers
violeta ilik
ilik.violeta at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 11:16:31 PDT 2017
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The Program Planning Committee is pleased to announce the Vision Speakers
for the 2018 Annual NASIG Conference, “Transforming the Information
*Sören Auer
Sören Auer studied Mathematics and Computer Science in Dresden, Hagen and
Yekaterinburg (Russia). In 2006 he obtained his doctorate in Computer
Science from Universität Leipzig. From 2006-2008 he worked with the
database research group at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. In 2008 he
founded AKSW research group at University of Leipzig, which he led till
2013. From 2013 to 2017, he held the chair for Enterprise Information
Systems at University of Bonn and led a department at Fraunhofer Institute
for Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS). In 2017 he was appointed as
professor for Data Science and Digital Libraries at Leibniz University of
Hannover and director of TIB German National Library of Science and
Technology. Sören has made substantial contributions to semantic web
technologies, knowledge engineering, software engineering, usability, as
well as information systems. He received the ESWC 7-year best paper award
and the OpenCourseware Innovation award. He led several large-scale
collaborative research projects such as the European Union’s H2020 flagship
project BigDataEurope. Sören is co-founder of high-impact research and
community projects such as the Wikipedia semantification project DBpedia,
the OpenCourseWare authoring platform SlideWiki.org or the spatial data
integration platform LinkedGeoData. He serves as an expert for industry,
the European Commission, the W3C and board member of the Open Knowledge
*Lisa Macklin
Lisa Macklin, JD, MLS is the Director of Scholarly Communications Office,
Library and Information Technology Services at Emory University. Lisa
collaborated with the Library Policy Committee and the Center for Faculty
Development and Excellence in Open Access Conversations at Emory. In March
2011, the Faculty Council endorsed an Open Access Policy that led to the
creation of OpenEmory, a repository of Emory faculty-authored articles. In
addition, an Open Access Publishing Fund was launched with OpenEmory, and
provides funds to make it easier for Emory authors to publish in eligible
open-access (OA) journals and books when no alternative funding is
available. Lisa will continue working with faculty advisors as the
Libraries implement these and other OA initiatives.
*Lauren Smith
Lauren Smith is the a Research Associate at the University of Strathclyde
in Glasgow. She co-founded Voices for the Library, a UK-wide public
libraries advocacy organisation, and she is involved in the Radical
Librarians Collective. Her research focuses on: political information
behaviour, political participation and citizenship;
information/news/media/digital literacy; critical approaches to education
and librarianship; social justice, access, equity and inclusion in
education and information.
The Conference will be held June 8-11, 2018 in Atlanta, GA. Please watch
the conference website
further information.
NASIG is an independent organization working to advance and transform the
management of information resources. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate and
improve the distribution, acquisition, and long-term accessibility of
information resources in all formats and business models. Visit
http://www.nasig.org/ for more information.
Violeta Ilik
NASIG2018 Program Chair
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