[Metadatalibrarians] Linked Data Users Group: Fall 2024 All-Users Group Meeting

Liss, Jennifer A. jaliss at iu.edu
Tue Oct 1 09:43:01 PDT 2024

*** Apologies for cross posting***

Linked Data Users Group: Fall 2024 All-Users Group Meeting (Free/Virtual – registration required)

Wednesday, November 13, 12 p.m. Central / 1 p.m. Eastern, via Zoom

Waiting for Production: Making Use of Long Liminality

Join MCLS’s Linked Data Users Group (https://www.mcls.org/engagement/linked-data-users-group/) for our virtual, fall All-Users Meeting. Our guest speaker is Ruth Kitchin Tillman, Cataloging Systems and Linked Data Strategist at the Penn State University Libraries.


Cataloging and metadata workers operate in a space of unrealized promise. For over a decade, we've been told: linked data is coming, be ready! Now we hear: AI is coming, be ready! Yet in our day-to-day, many of us work with data structures that are older than we are. If you're not working on the few cutting-edge projects, how can you make use of the time? What is still worth doing even if the promised futures never materialize? This talk will take its grounding from research into the era of library automation and the worker experience of systems migration as well as the past decade of linked data development and experimentation.

More about Ruth Kitchin Tillman at ruthtillman.com

Registration is free: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pc-yspj8rHtKElKqhVY8sWEmB7fxcctXx

Jennifer A. Liss
Head, Cataloging
Indiana University Libraries

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