[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Vice-Chairs: ALA Core Cataloging Norms Interest Group

Bela Gupta bgupta at umassd.edu
Wed May 11 09:14:19 PDT 2022

*Apologies for Cross-posting*

Dear All,

The ALA Core Cataloging Norms Interest Group is looking for two volunteers to serve a two-year term as Co-vice chairs for the year, 2022-2023 and Co-chairs for the year, 2023-2024. Vice-chairs* are expected to participate in session planning and delivery for the interest group meeting at ALA Core events (virtual and in-person) and at ALA Annual.

If you are interested in the exploration, communication, and exchange of ideas on the dynamics and evolution of cataloging/metadata norms and workflows, please submit your name, title, related experience, and contact information to Bela Gupta (bgupta at umassd.edu<mailto:bgupta at umassd.edu>) and Shuzhen Zhao (zhaoszf at uwindsor.ca) by July 21, 2021.

As Vice-Chair, you will assist with the planning and delivery of the Group's meetings, including solicitation for speakers and selection of topics to be presented. You will assume responsibility for planning the meetings, filing reports to ALA, and selecting incoming Vice-Chairs.
Please note that no prior experience is necessary, and recent MLIS grads/early career librarians are encouraged to apply. For more information about the IG you can email us or check out:

ALA Core Cataloging Norms Interest Group on ALA Connect<https://connect.ala.org/core/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=b63a3192-1491-40ca-a1a4-08e25bf0ec44>

*ALA Core membership required
Thank you,
Bela Gupta and Shuzhen Zhao

Bela Gupta
ALA Core Cataloging Norms Interest Group
Division Head, Library Technical Services
Cataloging & Metadata Librarian
Claire T. Carney Library
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Office: 508-999-8673
bgupta at umassd.edu<mailto:bgupta at umassd.edu>

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