[Metadatalibrarians] Study on ETDs in ProQuest and the Institutional Repository
Veve, Marielle
m.veve at unf.edu
Mon Feb 28 08:24:58 PST 2022
Hi librarian community:
I just want to let you know of a recent study (2021) on electronic theses & dissertations (ETD) workflows that could be very useful to many of you who work with them. The title is "ETDs in ProQuest and the institutional repository: A descriptive study of the current workflows available for dual online submission," published in the September 2021 issue of the Journal of Academic Librarianship 47(5)<https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102429>. The study provides *practical decision-making* information on the current workflows available for the dual online submission of graduate ETDs into ProQuest and the Institutional repository. It covers all aspects of the submission process into both systems, from online deposit to publication and distribution.
Workflow topics discussed include: the ETD review process, metadata management, publishing options, access restrictions, consent agreements, embargo control, payments and fees, preservation, issues encountered, options to opt-out from ProQuest and/or IR, interoperability issues, copyright, and turnaround time for the ETDs to display in the systems, among others.
Hope it can be of help to many,
Marielle Veve
Metadata Librarian
Thomas G. Carpenter Library
University of North Florida
1 UNF Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32224
m.veve at unf.edu<mailto:m.veve at unf.edu>
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