[Metadatalibrarians] Program Announcement: Core Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group program, 2022 ALA Core IG Week
Sai Deng
Sai.Deng at ucf.edu
Wed Feb 9 10:26:35 PST 2022
*** Apologies for cross postings***
The Core Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group (TSWEIG) is happy to announce its online program to be held at the 2022 ALA Core IG Week.
ALA Core Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group (TSWEIG) Program
Friday, March 11, 12-1 pm (CST), 2022 ALA Core IG Week
Participants will need to register to join this free session. You may register at: https://ala-events.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlcOuqqDwpHdLxuZXlnSnsc1wzDYdRpFJi<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fala-events.zoom.us%2Fmeeting%2Fregister%2FtJIlcOuqqDwpHdLxuZXlnSnsc1wzDYdRpFJi&data=04%7C01%7CSai.Deng%40ucf.edu%7C5c46486696894055df6908d9ebf24b8c%7Cbb932f15ef3842ba91fcf3c59d5dd1f1%7C0%7C0%7C637800248145509781%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=ihBfhQasItaBmk3xnvjw2aosx0ok9w6crXRkhXULANU%3D&reserved=0>
(Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group - Core IG Week).
Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the meeting URL.
Theme: Workflow Trends and Cases in Library Technical Services
Digital Library Workflow & Practices
Implementing a Multiphase Metadata Production Model and Workflow in DSpace
Emily Crawford, MIT Libraries
This presentation will give an overview of the development, testing and implementation process of a Multiphase Metadata Production (MPMP) model and workflow in MIT’s DSpace instance for MIT Open Access Articles Collection. The collection in the repository includes scholarly publications, chiefly articles, written by MIT-affiliated authors under the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy or publisher agreements.
Realizing a new workflow was needed to expedite availability of papers, to reduce the backlog of Open Access (OA) article submissions plus create flexibility for targeted descriptive work, I created a model for multiphase metadata production. Collaborating with the Scholarly Communications and Collection Services Department, a workflow for multiphase metadata production was developed, which enabled us to significantly reduce the backlog of uncataloged materials, while maintaining the ability to enhance descriptive metadata after the articles have been released to the public.
Scaling Up Digital Collection Building with a Cross-Unit Database
Xiaoli Ma, University of Florida
Teamwork makes the dream work. Multiple teams from two colleges at the University of Florida established an online database to track the digital collection building progress and to smooth transitions between the two units. By facilitating communication, this database transforms multiple teams into one where everyone works together to scale up the work of building an online oral history collection. The exciting result: in half a year, over 500 oral history interviews were added to the digital collection, about a 10% increase to our holdings.
The collection-building process begins with the Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) at the College of Arts and Sciences, where the production team organizes digital media files and creates metadata drafts for interviews recorded digitally, and for older interviews recorded on the analog tapes, grant funded project teams initiate the similar process. The Digital Support Services (DSS) at the Smathers Libraries then reviews and ingests the metadata, ultimately uploading the media files to the digital collection. DSS also leads the efforts of updating and cleaning up legacy records.
This presentation will share how the teams reached the consensus that a database is necessary, details the phases of database development, and lists out the limitations of our methods. It will provide learnings for other cross-unit and cross-institutional digital projects.
Traditional Cataloging & Workflow
Loading e-Subscription MARC Records Directly into Our Discovery System
Kathleen (Kathy) Peters, Operations Supervisor – Technical Services, Douglas College Library, New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
What do you do when some of your e-subscription data is not managed automatically by your ILS or discovery platform vendor? Many libraries load the MARC records manually into their ILS and then the data is moved through some process to their discovery system. This has a significant impact on authority work, subject browse, etc. inside the ILS because vendor MARC records have many issues. What if you could load the records directly into your discovery system instead? In 2021 Douglas College Library reviewed all its e-subscriptions and created a “custom catalogue” inside the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) system where we can load/update/delete vendor records directly through FTP to that space which is under our control. This presentation will give an overview of what we did and why, and what our workflow is for these records.
Cataloging during the Pandemic
Adapting to the Crisis: Changing Cataloging Processes during the Pandemic
Fang H. Gao, Donna J. Kraemer & Stephen Kharfen, U.S. Government Publishing Office
The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) is a Federal government agency with a mission to keep America informed by producing, preserving, and distributing official Federal Government publications and information products for Congress, Federal agencies, and the American public. Library Services & Content Management (LSCM), a business unit within GPO, is responsible for administering four information dissemination programs that are mandated in Title 44 of the U.S. Code. Library Technical Services (LTS) within LSCM is responsible for the four elements of life cycle management of Federal government publications: acquisitions, classification, cataloging, and preservation. We will share how GPO transitioned to 100% telework and a maxiflex work schedule to maintain and improve services to Federal Depository Libraries, and how LTS adapted its tangible workflow to an online environment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic made the possibility of using surrogates critical as GPO staff needed to check thousands of publications in order to authenticate its records. GPO submitted a proposal to the BIBCO Program at the Library of Congress to consider the use of surrogates to authenticate records. The Program for Cooperative Cataloging implemented a new policy on the use of reliable surrogates on Nov. 18, 2021.
Thank you for your interest and participation!
ALA Core Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Interest Group Co-Chairs
Sai Deng (sai.deng at ucf.edu<mailto:sai.deng at ucf.edu>)
Yan Liao (ylia at loc.gov<mailto:ylia at loc.gov>)
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