[Metadatalibrarians] Electronic Resources Librarian (University of Southern Mississippi)

Deborah Thomas Deborah.Thomas at usm.edu
Thu Sep 16 07:28:09 PDT 2021

The University of Southern Mississippi invites applicants for a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor/Electronic Resources Librarian, in the University Libraries to begin in the spring of 2022.

As a member of the Technical Services unit, the Electronic Resources Librarian works collaboratively to innovate the electronic resources lifecycle.  The Electronic Resources Librarian is responsible for the management of current and future electronic content.  This includes the preservation, activation, and troubleshooting of resources, metadata maintenance for resources, data analysis and visualization, working with internal and external customers to improve discovery, and developing best practices for resource management.

For more information (including salary), visit the USM job site here: https://usm.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?id=2191&site=1

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