[Metadatalibrarians] Next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call on Tuesday, August 25th
Hilary K Thorsen
thorsenh at stanford.edu
Sun Aug 23 21:39:45 PDT 2020
Hello everyone,
Our next biweekly LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call is Tuesday, August 25th at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 16:00 UTC / 6pm CEST. We will talk about gadgets and user scripts. Gadgets are plug-ins to enhance Wikidata's display and editing. User scripts are short computer scripts written by Wikidata users that give additional functionality to the Wikidata user interface. Both make your life easier editing Wikidata.
The call details are below. Everyone is welcome to attend the call. To receive notifications about upcoming calls and meeting notes you can subscribe to the ld4-wikidata Google Group<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ld4-wikidata>. If you aren't able to attend, the meetings are recorded and meeting notes available on Google Drive<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JwTulCABs0TkGQDVSnYbIYEb7bC-j4-n>.
The LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group is associated with the Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Community and investigates how libraries can contribute to and better integrate library metadata with Wikidata to improve access to library resources on the web. The Affinity Group calls provide an informal space to share information and learn more about Wikidata.
Call Details:
Date and Time: Tuesday, August 25th at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 16:00 UTC / 6pm CEST (Time zone converter<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20200825T160000&p1=1240&p2=tz_et&p3=1440&p4=tz_cest>)
Zoom link to join meeting: https://stanford.zoom.us/j/94486599291?pwd=UDFpNmNmV3ZTWkVGenpjVmczZm1idz09
Password: 204654
Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O44Pq3hiKGKBq-CJtBOG996WY_CShMQPA7eapI51rt8/edit?usp=sharing
Ld4-wikidata Google group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/ld4-wikidata
#wikidata channel on LD4 Slack: http://bit.ly/ld4slack
Notes in public LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JwTulCABs0TkGQDVSnYbIYEb7bC-j4-n
Website: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/LD4P2/LD4-Wikidata+Affinity+Group
Take care,
Hilary Thorsen
Resource Sharing Librarian
Stanford Libraries
thorsenh at stanford.edu
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