[Metadatalibrarians] Survey of Benchmarks in Metadata Quality

Chartier, Madison madison.chartier at okstate.edu
Tue May 28 08:51:05 PDT 2019

Good morning,

You are invited to participate in a survey that will help investigators gain insight into the methods and criteria for evaluating metadata quality in digital repositories and to identify potential gaps in present knowledge and practices. The results from this survey will inform guidelines and suggestions for institutions that want to increase metadata quality assessment activities.

This study is being conducted by the Metadata Quality Benchmarks Working Group, part of the Digital Library Federation Forum Assessment Interest Group Metadata Working Group, to investigate metadata quality and how it is measured in libraries, archives, and museums.

Anyone who is self-identifying as a metadata professional and is currently employed in a library, archive, museum or other cultural heritage institution is invited to participate. Specifically, eligible participants for this study will be individuals with some responsibility for metadata management and/or creation for a digital repository. One respondent per digital repository is encouraged. The survey should take roughly 15-30 minutes to complete. A PDF of the survey is available for preview. <https://dlfmetadataassessment.github.io/MetadataBenchmarks/assets/Survey%20of%20Metadata%20Quality%20Benchmarks.pdf>

Take the Survey on Benchmarks in Metadata Quality<https://survey.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6tKwGoSvJDuj5uR>

If you have any questions about this study, you may contact Rachel Wittmann (rachel.wittmann at utah.edu<mailto:rachel.wittmann at utah.edu>) or Andrea Payant (andrea.payant at usu.edu<mailto:andrea.payant at usu.edu>).

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Madison Chartier and the DLF AIG MWG Metadata Quality Benchmarks Working Group


The Institutional Review Board for the protection of human participants at Utah State University has approved this research study.  If you have any questions or concerns about your rights or a research-related injury and would like to contact someone other than the research team, you may contact the IRB Administrator at (435) 797-0567 or email irb at usu.edu to obtain information or to offer input.

The University of Utah's Institutional Review Board (IRB) has approved this study. Contact the IRB if you have questions regarding your rights as a research participant. Also, contact the IRB if you have questions, complaints or concerns which you do not feel you can discuss with the investigator. The University of Utah IRB may be reached by phone at (801) 581-3655 or by e-mail at irb at hsc.utah.edu.

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