[Metadatalibrarians] 2nd Call for presenters -- ALCTS Preservation Metadata Interest Group at ALA 2019

Veve, Marielle m.veve at unf.edu
Tue Mar 26 07:44:40 PDT 2019

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Call for proposals: ALCTS Preservation Metadata Interest Group (PMIG)

The ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group (PMIG) seeks proposals for 10-15 min. presentations at the next ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 2:30-3:30pm.

The Preservation Metadata Interest Group's charge is to discuss the bibliographic control and intellectual access to preserved and reformatted materials.
Presentation topics may include, but are not limited to:

  *   Successful implementations of preservation metadata
  *   False starts, failed experiments and lessons learned
  *   Challenges to preservation metadata
  *   Training for preservation metadata
  *   Discussion of useful tools, software, or systems in preservation metadata
  *   Discussion of workflows in preservation metadata
  *   Developments of local preservation metadata practices and/or schema

Please submit proposal abstracts to co-chairs Marielle Veve m.veve at unf.edu<mailto:m.veve at unf.edu> and Ilda Cardenas ildacardenas711 at gmail.com<mailto:ildacardenas711 at gmail.com> by Monday, April 8th 2019.

If you have questions, please contact the co-chais. We look forward to hearing from you!

ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group Co-Chairs for 2019:

Marielle Veve

Metadata Librarian

Thomas G. Carpenter Library

University of North Florida

m.veve at unf.edu<mailto:m.veve at unf.edu>

Ilda Cardenas
Electronic Resources Librarian
Pollack Library
California State University at Fullerton
ildacardenas711 at gmail.com<mailto:ildacardenas711 at gmail.com>

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