[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Co-Vice Chairs: ALCTS Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group

Sai Deng Sai.Deng at ucf.edu
Thu Apr 4 13:30:13 PDT 2019

**Please Excuse Cross-Postings**

The ALA ALCTS Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group (RPLTS-IG) is looking for two volunteers to serve as Co-Vice Chairs for 2019-2020 (2020 midwinter and annual conferences). After serving for one year as Co-Vice Chairs, you will become Co-Chairs for 2020-2021 (2021 midwinter and annual conferences).

The Co-Vice Chairs are expected to attend both the midwinter and annual conferences during the time covered and to participate in session planning and delivery. The Co-Vice Chairs learn by working with the existing Co-Chairs, so no prior experience is necessary. If interested, please submit your name, title, related experience, and contact information to the interest group officers by June 10.

We look forward to hearing from you!

RPLTS-IG Co-Chairs

   *  Suzhen Chen suzhen at hawaii.edu<mailto:suzhen at hawaii.edu>

   *  Kristin Flachsbart k.flachsbart at northeastern.edu<mailto:k.flachsbart at northeastern.edu>

RPLTS-IG Co-Vice Chairs

    * Christine Davidian davidian at rowan.edu<mailto:davidian at rowan.edu>

    * Sai Deng sai.deng at ucf.edu<mailto:sai.deng at ucf.edu>

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