[Metadatalibrarians] Reminder: Early bird registration rates for NASIG, NASIG On Demand, CFPs for Great Ideas Showcase and Snapshot Sessions Deadline, and NASIG Preconferences!
publicist at nasig.org
publicist at nasig.org
Tue Mar 27 11:29:08 PDT 2018
The 33rd Annual NASIG Conference is only a few months away! [ Early bird registration rates ]( http://www.nasig.org/site_page.cfm?pk_association_webpage_menu=700&pk_association_webpage=11664 ) are available through May 11, with a special discount for NASIG members. Registration for the full conference includes [ NASIG on Demand: Features of the 2018 Conference ]( https://nasig.wordpress.com/2018/02/26/nasig-on-demand-nasigs-newest-conference-offering/ ), NASIG’s newest offering, which consists of recordings of six concurrent sessions that cover a variety of important topics touching on the conference theme of “Transforming the Information Community.” Those who are unable to join us in person have the option of [ purchasing access ]( http://www.nasig.org/site_page.cfm?pk_association_webpage_menu=700&pk_association_webpage=11664 ) to these recordings for $149 for individuals (or $49 for students) and $249 for groups. For more information about NASIG on Demand, including the sessions that will be offered, see [ here ]( https://nasig.wordpress.com/2018/02/26/nasig-on-demand-nasigs-newest-conference-offering/ ).
Great Ideas Showcase and Snapshot Sessions Proposals
Did you submit your [ Great Ideas Showcase and Snapshot Session proposals ]( https://nasig.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/nasig-great-ideas-showcase-and-snapshot-sessions-call-for-proposals-2/ ) for the 33rd NASIG conference? You have time until March 30, 2018!
The Great Ideas Showcase will be held on Saturday from 5-6pm, and the Snapshot Sessions will be held on Sunday from 2-3pm. Presenters must be available to discuss their showcases or present their snapshots during that time.
Submit your Great Ideas Showcase proposal here:
[ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GISPNASIG2018 ]( https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GISPNASIG2018 )
Submit your Snapshot Session proposal here:
Register for a Preconference!
Did you check out the [ four great preconferences ]( https://nasig.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/nasig-2018-pre-conferences/ ) we have scheduled for you? [ Register for one or more preconferences ]( http://www.nasig.org/site_event_detail.cfm?pk_association_event=15794 ) now at the early bird rate!
Day 1:
[ A Beginner’s Guide to MarcEdit 7 ]( http://sched.co/DEp5 )– Speaker: Terry Reese – full day
[ Introduction to Serials Cataloging with RDA ]( http://sched.co/DEpB ) – Speaker: Steven Shadle – full day
Day 2:
Beyond “[ Set it and Forget it ]( http://sched.co/DEpF )”: Proactively Managing Your EZproxy Server - Speaker: Jenny Rosenfeld – half day
[ Linked Data for Serials ]( http://sched.co/DEpD ) – Speakers: Amber Billey and Robert Rendall – full day
Inquiries may be sent to the NASIG PPC Chair and Vice-Chair, Violeta Ilik and Maria Collins at [ ppc at internal.nasig.org ]( mailto:ppc at internal.nasig.org ).
NASIG is an independent organization working to advance and transform the management of information resources. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate and improve the distribution, acquisition, and long-term accessibility of information resources in all formats and business models. Visit [ http://www.nasig.org/ ]( http://www.nasig.org/ ) for more information.
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