[Metadatalibrarians] Metadata Application Profile Clearinghouse - Call for Submissions

Anna L Neatrour anna.neatrour at utah.edu
Thu Mar 8 14:12:14 PST 2018

Hello everyone,

I am writing on behalf of the Digital Library Federation's Metadata Assessment Working Group.  The group's aim is "to build guidelines, best practices, tools & workflows around the evaluation and assessment of metadata used by and for digital libraries and repositories."  Among the tasks we have set ourselves is to gather content for a "Metadata Application Profile Clearinghouse" website.  This site will have links to "metadata application profiles, mappings, code and best practice documents from many different types of institutions." It is currently accessible at: https://dlfmetadataassessment.github.io/MetadataSpecsClearinghouse/
We would be interested in including any such documents related to your institution's work in digital metadata.  You can upload PDF versions through https://goo.gl/forms/NhF8lNUslINBfBsd2 if you have a Google account.

You can also submit them directly via GitHub at: https://github.com/DLFMetadataAssessment/MetadataSpecsClearinghouse

Please contact us at: mailto:dlf-aig-metadata-assessment-working-group at googlegroups.com for further information.


Anna Neatrour
Digital Initiatives Librarian
University of Utah Marriott Library
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8007-9940
Vice-Chair, ALCTS Metadata Interest Group

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