[Metadatalibrarians] DEADLINE APPROACHING: ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group call for proposals ALA

Veve, Marielle m.veve at unf.edu
Mon Apr 23 09:17:16 PDT 2018

The ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group seeks proposals at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Our program is scheduled for Saturday, June 23 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. and will feature two 15-20 minute presentations as well as time for Q&A.

The initial stages of implementing preservation metadata can seem overwhelming. For this program, we welcome and encourage presentations on the process of developing local preservation metadata practices.

Proposal ideas might touch on (but are not limited to):

*         Case studies on the use of preservation metadata for data sets/scientific data

*         Case studies that discuss Tools/Workflows used for preservation metadata

*         Case studies for web applications and digital humanities projects

*         NDSA Preservation Levels<http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/documents/NDSA_Levels_Archiving_2013.pdf> - What metadata are you collecting to provide evidence that you are adhering to NDSA levels. What can be implemented to help in this process?

*         Case studies for physical material

*         Case studies using repository software. How are you adding presentation metadata to your repository?

*         What systems are you using to collect and track preservation metadata? Samvera, Archivematica, ASpace, DSpace, Islandora, Rosetta, something homegrown, etc. Tell us about that work.

*         False starts, failed experiments and lessons learned

To submit a proposal, please provide your name, email address, and the title and abstract of your presentation in the following Google form: <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CtDpJRt2kL8snYJtx6EBiV4CPxM2UfWo2on2fzyeNBo/viewform>


The deadline for proposals for the ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group meeting at 2018 ALA Annual is fast approaching. Please submit your topics by 5:00 p.m. Pacific, Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

ALCTS PARS Preservation Metadata Interest Group Co-Chairs:

Daniel Johnson

Digital Preservation Librarian

University of Iowa

daniel-h-johnson at uiowa.edu<mailto:daniel-h-johnson at uiowa.edu>

Marielle Veve

Metadata Librarian

Thomas G. Carpenter Library

University of North Florida

m.veve at unf.edu<mailto:m.veve at unf.edu>

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