[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Proposals: ACRL/NEC 2018, “Failing Forward”

Alice Pearman alcts.alice at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 09:33:57 PST 2017

Call for Proposals

Failing Forward: Experimentation

and Creativity in Libraries

2018 ACRL New England Chapter Annual Conference

Friday, May 4, 2018

Hotel 1620 Plymouth Harbor <http://www.hotel1620.com/>

Plymouth, Massachusetts



We often talk at conferences about projects that went well. In contrast, we
rarely discuss initiatives that failed, or unexpected obstacles that forced
us to find another route to success. In our 2018 Annual Conference, the
ACRL New England chapter is highlighting experimentation and creativity in
college and research libraries by acknowledging that missteps and
roadblocks are all part of the process. Join us in Plymouth, Massachusetts,
in May 2018 to talk about “failing forward.”

We want to hear about your innovative ideas that went bust; your project
development blunders; your event planning faux pas! Tell us how failure has
helped you and your library to learn and grow. Give us insight into the
missteps that have led you to unanticipated success. How has expanding your
capacity for failure helped you to take risks and experience breakthroughs?

Staff, faculty, administrators, and students in all areas of librarianship
are encouraged to submit proposals by January 19, 2018.

See the full call for proposals, including session formats, submission
requirements, and the link to submit a proposal, on the conference website:

Questions? Email the 2018 Conference Planning Committee at
acrlnec2018 at gmail.com.

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