[Metadatalibrarians] ALCTS CaMMS Heads of Cataloging Departments Interest Group (HoC IG) at ALA Annual Conference 2017 (Monday, June 26)

J Shieh jshieh at gwu.edu
Thu Jun 8 05:23:56 PDT 2017

Please mark your calendar for the following session for


*Heads of Cataloging Departments Interest Group 
<http://www.ala.org/alcts/mgrps/camms/grps/ats-ccsdghcd> at ALA Annual 
Conference 2017 *

Monday, June 26, 2017, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Location: McCormick Place: MCP W190a
/*Please visit the Conne**ct page for speaker bios and abstracts:* 
http://connect.ala.org/node/266461 /

*Session title: *Applying Agile Practices to Metadata Workflows: Data 
and People in Transition

*Session Description:*

Research activities are heavily dependent upon content found on the web. 
Moreover, the web is moving rapidly from the document-based web to the 
semantic web where _a_nyone can say _a_nything about _a_ny topic (the 
AAAslogan). http://goo.gl/qHvmST

The Semantic Web is a jungle where data are rich and massive, 
interconnected without roadmaps, index, or guidance. What it has is a 
series of tools and languages that are making their way into libraries' 
working spaces. Ontologies, linked data, RDF, data modeling, metadata, 
identity management, etc., have been morphed into common vocabularies 
for information services. Our cataloging and metadata community embraced 
the RDF language as a potential replacement for MARC as the current 
encoding standard. Cataloging professionals have begun preparing the 
alignment of libraries' very siloed MARC data to linked open data. While 
many of us still consider the semantic web that moves library data 
toward linked data as a daunting revolution for the profession, others 
remain skeptical of its potential and usefulness.

In adjusting to the challenges of transitioning library data toward 
linked data, library technical services managers have been looking for 
practices that will enable them to create robust and responsive services 
in order to deliver more returns. Some have found the trend in software 
development industry of applying agile principles for deliverables very 
applicable and attractive for managing library projects. Its acceptance 
is gaining momentum in libraries beyond their IT departments. How will 
the team-based approach help transitioning workflows that involve 
library data and library staff who need reassurances about their talents 
and contributions? In an effort to offer new ways of thinking about how 
metadata and cataloging work is accomplished, this session will look at 
both an implementation of a linked data-based workflow and a separate 
environment that utilizes agile project management to deliver results.

Lisa Lorenzo
Metadata Librarian
Michigan State University
lorenzo7 at mail.lib.msu.edu

Kate Harcourt
Director, Original and Special Materials Cataloging
Columbia University Libraries
harcourt at columbia.edu <mailto:harcourt at columbia.edu>

Melanie Wacker, @mwacker3
Metadata Coordinator
Columbia University
mw2064 at columbia.edu

**Co-chairs: **
Jackie Shieh
Coordinator, Resource Description
George Washington University Libraries

Martin L. Knott
University of Michigan Library
Head, Electronic Resources and Database Management Section

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