[Metadatalibrarians] Join the Metadata Support Group (MSG)... sprinkle a little MSG on your day!

Liz Woolcott lizwoolcott at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 11:53:07 PDT 2016

 Need a little (1).jpg

“One time I accidentally deleted an entire digital collection….”

“My director wants me to migrate our database this week…”

“This XSLT won’t work, do you have any ideas why….”

Let’s face it - metadata is messy.  And challenging. And sometimes a bit
lonely.  Wouldn’t you like a support group?

Join the Metadata Support Group! <https://goo.gl/forms/3IfmrG2iAiYJA6P82>

The Metadata Support Group is a virtual community space for anyone
interested in metadata. Come talk about your metadata challenges,
sympathize with one another’s horror stories, ask for help, give advice, or
just talk metadata. This will be a space to ask questions, share resources,
talk strategy for working through some common metadata conundrums, and gain
reassurance that you’re not the only one that has no idea how that
happened.  We welcome everyone - no metadata expertise required!

Lunch at DLF!

And if you will be at the DLF Forum next week, come join us for the first
in-person meeting of the Metadata Support Group at the lunch session on
Monday, Nov. 7

Metadata Horror Stories

As part of a fun activity at DLF 2016, we would like to start off the day
with a good ol’ fashioned scary story session -  we have some fun tales of
our own to tell, but would like to open up to the community to share your
metadata trials and tribulations! Feel free to submit even if you won’t be
at DLF.  Selected stories will be shared with the group in a supportive
environment, but please leave out any personally identifying information.

Submit your metadata horror story here. <https://goo.gl/Q6Ra9h>

Or visit: https://goo.gl/Q6Ra9h

Thank you for helping to build a strong, responsive, welcoming metadata

Juliet Hardesty

Anna Neatour

Bria Parker

Liz Woolcott

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