[Metadatalibrarians] IR Policy Survey - seeking participants

Van Kleeck,David A dvankleeck at ufl.edu
Tue Oct 25 04:04:18 PDT 2016

**Forwarding on behalf of a colleague.  Please excuse cross-posting.**

Good Afternoon,

At the University of Florida we are undergoing a review of policies for the Institutional Repository (IR at UF). We are seeking input on how other institutions are handling their IRs. We piloted an online survey earlier this year, and presented initial findings at ALA. Based on feedback from participants, the survey has been updated, and we are now sending it out to the broader community.

The online survey looks at institutions' attitudes and policies regarding their IRs, and should take about 20 minutes to complete. I am sending it to this group as there is an undeniable overlap between ETDs and IRs.

You can find the survey at https://ufl.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cOKQckLsSCjV3pz

Our aim is to get one response for each participating institution. If you have already taken the survey as part of the pilot, thank you. If we receive multiple submissions from an institution, we will include the last result received in our analysis.

The survey will close Monday November 14, 2016.  We will be sharing the (aggregated) results with the community after analysis.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Please share this survey with anyone you feel would be appropriate.

Thank you,

Christy Shorey, MLIS
Manager of UF Institutional Repository, and Theses and Dissertations Program
Digital Production Services, George A. Smathers Library
University of Florida
P.O. Box 117003
Gainesville, FL  32611-7003
chrshor at uflib.ufl.edu<mailto:chrshor at uflib.ufl.edu>
ORCID: 0000-0002-9172-8085<http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9172-8085>
PGP: she, her, hers

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