[Metadatalibrarians] ALCTS CaMMS Catalog Management Interest Group meeting @ ALA Annual 2016
Mak, Lucas Wing Kau
makw at mail.lib.msu.edu
Tue Jun 21 07:29:28 PDT 2016
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Please join the ALCTS CaMMS Catalog Management Interest Group (CMIG) at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Time: June 25 (Sat), 1 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: Orange County Convention Center, Room W303
The theme of this year - "It's not a question of IF, but WHEN: Migrating to a Next Generation ILS." Four groups will present their findings and lessons learned in the process of selecting, implementation/transition and post-production data editing from different perspectives. There will be a 15 to 20 minute session of discussion and Q&A immediately following the four presentations:
"Catalog Management in the Cloud: Two Years In," presented by Stacie Traill and Betsy Friesen, University of Minnesota Libraries
The libraries of the University of Minnesota system were early adopters of Ex Libris's Alma system, migrating in late 2013. In the two and a half years since migration, systems and metadata staff have learned much about the differences between managing a cloud-based, multi-tenant ILS and a locally-hosted server-based ILS. Presenters will discuss some of these differences, along with issues they faced in adopting a new system early in its development cycle. In addition, they will provide an overview of the highlights, challenges, and ongoing evolution of Alma's catalog management tools and functionality (such as authority control and batch processing capabilities).
"ILS migration: post production data editing for a special academic consortium," presented by Heather Mitchell, Rutgers University Law Library
Prior to the official merger of the law schools, the Rutgers Law Library directors were asked to merge their respective catalogs into one unified catalog. It was thought that by merging the libraries, it would be a symbolic first step towards the law school merger. At the time, the directors of the library selected the next generation open source program Koha with support by Bywater Solutions. One year after the migration, the library is still trying to figure out how to make the most of the new ILS.
Koha was designed initially for public libraries and in fact most installations of Koha are at public libraries. In 2015, Rutgers became only the second accredited law school in the United States to select Koha. Not only did we migrate to open source ILS, we also merged two unique catalogs into one unified catalog. System migrations always result in some data being lost or incorrectly transferred. In some instances, the migration pointed out errors in our own catalog. The hope is to minimize just how much data is compromised while fixing errors that might not have come to light but for the migration. This unusual situation at Rutgers Law School has presented unique challenges with respect to migration mapping, data recall for large records, relevancy ranking, all of which affect search results and usability of the OPAC.
"Three become One," presented by Glen Wiley and Lisa Wheeler, University of Miami Libraries
The University of Miami's seven libraries across the Coral Gables, Miller School of Medicine, and Rosenstiel campuses are collaborating for the first time on a shared ILS. Making its debut in mid-May 2016, the University of Miami will integrate three independent systems into a single search and discovery platform for accessing the University's millions of library holdings. We will focus on the lessons learned in the metadata preparation stage, data extraction process, preliminary data testing, and the specific lessons learned unique to adopting a Next Generation ILS.
"Transitions - The Current State of our Catalog," presented by Renee Gould, Darla Asher, and Dr. Doris Van Kampen-Breit, Saint Leo University
Three years ago Saint Leo University made the transition to a cloud-based ILS, WorldShare Management Services (WMS). For this presentation, we plan to discuss some of the ups and downs of making that transition and some key lessons we have learned. Finally, we'll touch upon where we are currently with the catalog and what we expect in the near future.
Co-chairs of CMIG
Lucas (Wing Kau) Mak
Metadata and Catalog Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive, East Lansing, MI 48824
email: makw at mail.lib.msu.edu<mailto:makw at mail.lib.msu.edu>
Tel: (517) 884-0822
Sherab Chen
Associate Professor/E-Resources Metadata & Discovery Librarian
The Ohio State University Libraries
120G Library Tech Center, 1165 Kinnear Rd, Columbus, OH 43212
Email: chen.1140 at osu.edu<mailto:chen.1140 at osu.edu>
Tel: (614) 247-7460
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