[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Metadata Assessment Use Cases, part of DLF AIG Metadata Working Group
Anna L Neatrour
anna.neatrour at utah.edu
Thu Aug 11 15:42:02 PDT 2016
Apologies for cross-posting.
This year, the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group (DLF AIG) started a Metadata Working Group. The DLF Metadata Assessment Working Group aims to build guidelines and best practices around the evaluation and assessment of (mostly descriptive) metadata used by and for digital libraries and repositories. We spent the first part of this calendar year performing an environmental scan on metadata quality work; you can see the (still in progress) results of this work here: http://dlfmetadataassessment.github.io/
Currently, the DLF Metadata Assessment Working Group is gathering use cases that involve evaluating and assessing metadata. We invite anyone with a use case around metadata assessment and quality control to share it using the form available at http://bit.ly/MetadataAssessCases. Please share your use cases as soon as you're able, but aim to share them by September 30th. We plan to collect these cases, analyze them, and share our work at DLF Forum (November 7-9).
The use cases will be aggregated and used to identify common themes within metadata evaluation and assessment. The result of this work will be shared openly through our report on the development of a metadata quality assessment framework available on our website<http://dlfmetadataassessment.github.io/>. Even if you're uncertain about the state of your use case (too specific, too broad, not really about assessment, other), we welcome all input!
We invite anyone who is interested to learn more and take part in the DLF Metadata Assessment Working Group. Join our Google Group<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dlf-aig-metadata-assessment-working-group> for more information.
Thank you!
DLF AIG Metadata Working Group
Anna Neatrour
anna.neatrour at utah.edu
Interim Program Director
Mountain West Digital Library
Metadata Librarian
University of Utah Marriott Library
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8007-9940
Program Co-Chair, ALCTS Metadata Interest Group
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