[Metadatalibrarians] Code4Lib Issue 32 now available

Meghan Finch mmfinch at oakland.edu
Mon Apr 25 10:21:48 PDT 2016

The Editorial Committee is pleased to submit issue 32 to the community. We
encourage you to explore this issue, engage in the comments, and reach out
to the many fine authors that contributed their work.

An Open-Source Strategy for Documenting Events: The Case Study of the 42nd
Canadian Federal Election on Twitter <http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11358>
by Nick Ruest and Ian Milligan

How to Party Like it’s 1999: Emulation for Everyone
<http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11386> – by Dianne Dietrich, Julia Kim,
Morgan McKeehan, and Alison Rhonemus

How We Went from Worst Practices to Good Practices, and Became Happier in
the Process <http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11398> by Amanda French,
Francis Kayiwa, Anne Lawrence, Keith Gilbertson and Melissa Lohrey

Shining a Light on Scientific Data: Building a Data Catalog to Foster Data
Sharing and Reuse <http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11421> by Ian Lamb and
Catherine Larson

Creation of a Library Tour Application for Mobile Equipment using iBeacon
Technology <http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11338> by Jonathan Bradley, Neal
Henshaw, Liz McVoy, Amanda French, Keith Gilbertson, Lisa Becksford, and
Elisabeth Givens.

Measuring Library Vendor Cyber Security: Seven Easy Questions Every
Librarian Can Ask <http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11413> by Alex Caro and
Chris Markman

Building Bridges with Logs: Collaborative Conversations about Discovery
across Library Departments <http://journal.code4lib.org/?p=11355> by Jimmy
Ghaphery, Emily Owens, Donna Coghill, Laura Gariepy, Megan Hodge, Thomas
McNulty, and Erin White

Meghan Finch
Assistant Professor
Digital Assets Librarian
Oakland University
Rochester, MI
mmfinch at oakland.edu

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