[Metadatalibrarians] Call for Vice Chair: ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group
Laura N Evans
evans at binghamton.edu
Fri Apr 8 05:15:37 PDT 2016
*This message has been sent to multiple lists. Apologies for cross-posting.*
The ALCTS CaMMS Cataloging & Classification Research Interest Group is
seeking a Vice Chair/Chair Elect (Vice Chair 2016-2017, Chair 2017-2018).
The Interest Group provides a forum for viewing and discussing the latest
research projects in the organization and retrieval of information.
Terms are two years and begin following ALA Annual 2016. Officers must be
able to commit to attending ALA Midwinter and ALA Annual during their terms.
Anyone interested in this position is encouraged to contact the current
vice-chair by May 15th.
Thank you!
Laura Evans
CCRIG Vice Chair 2015/16
Assistant Head of Cataloging
Binghamton University
evans at binghamton.edu
Laura Evans
Assistant Head of Cataloging
Binghamton University Libraries
P.O. Box 6012
Binghamton, NY 13902-6012
(607) 777-4943
evans at binghamton.edu
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